We organize several activities, such as China talks, dinners, thematic happy hours and cultural events.
China Talks
China Talks is our main event series, for each of which we invite a western professional who has experienced like and work in an Asian context. We ask our guest speakers to share their experience with all the students, professionals and researchers who are interested in having a direct witness of doing business and working in China. The aim of this project is to give students the chance to have a direct connection to something that cannot be found in books nor taught in class. Each event is designed in such a way that there is a first introductory part in which the guest speaker (only one at a time) introduces his personal experiences as well as the development of the sector in which he/she works, followed by a second, important part in which it is given free room for Q&A, thus creating a dialogue between the audience and the speaker. This is useful and stimulating as many times students but also professionals who are curious but who do not know enough yet have a stating input on which they can base their questions. This formula proved to be successful during all the first year in which the China Talks series was presented, thus giving us the spin to go on believing and carrying on this project.
Treasure Hunt
BCSA’s Treasure Hunt welcomes students for the beginning of the new academic year!
Participants will be involved in resolving some funny riddles to reach the “treasure” of this treasure hunt!
This game will involve mostly freshmen and will help them to discover the main places of our University.

Welcome Dinner
The welcome dinner is the BCSA’s biggest event every year.
There is food, wine, dessert, games and much more!
Don’t miss this opportunity to get to know more Bocconi students!

Chef for a Night
Did you want to impress someone with your cooking skills?
Have you ever imagined how one of the most iconic Chinese dishes are made?
Are you tired of a depressing pasta with tuna randomly arranged?
Are you just simply a dumplings lover?